High-Rise Communities and Neighbourhoods

RentSafeTO: Information for Tenants
RentSafeTO, or "Apartment Building Standards," is a bylaw enforcing maintenance standards for apartment buildings with three or more floors and ten or more units. If you experience issues like pests, low heat, plumbing problems, leaky ceilings, or issues in shared areas, contact your property owner first to submit a service request. Property owners need to respond to urgent service requests, such as no heat or water, must be addressed within 24 hours, while non-urgent requests must be handled within seven days. If your property owner does not take action and problems persist, contact 311 for the RentSafeTO team. RentSafeTO for Tenants webpage and this brochure.

Tenant Rights and Responsibilities Support Resources
Below are resources that may help with finding out about Tenant Rights:

  1. City-funded Housing Help Centres to help with avoiding evictions and keeping housing here.
  2. City-funded Financial Support (including RentBank, a one-time interest-free loan to help with making rent) here.
  3. FMTA Tenant Hotline (advice, referrals, frequent questions): 416-921-9494

“The Guide to Tenants' Rights” (is available in 12 languages) here.

Get on the list – Report it!
If you have an issue with your TCHC unit or building, it must be reported to the Client Care Centre at 416-981-5500 right away. (You may send an email to help@torontohousing.ca​ if it's not an emergency) When repairs are needed, especially to your unit, please make sure you get an EasyTrac number from the call representative.
*** It is particularly important to remember not to finish the call unless you have your EasyTrac number***
Get on the list! See the maintenance and repair site here.   
Then track it on EasyTrac: see more information.

Toronto Community Housing Corporation (TCHC)
Concerned constituents may call the TCHC's Community Safety Unit at 416-921-2323 to report noise disturbances, loitering, trespassing, or other safety-related issues.  This will ensure concerns are dealt with promptly.

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Instagram/paulainslie Twitter: @Ainslie_Ward24 youtube: PaulAinslieWard24 Facebook: Councillor Paul Ainslie Scarborough-Guildwood

100 Queen St W, Toronto, ON M5H 2N2

Phone: 416-396-7222